Memorial Day 10-Mile Ruck March with Miss Mesa USA at Black Rifle Coffee Company
Join Miss Mesa USA at Black Rifle Coffee Company for a 10 mile Ruck March on Memorial Day - Monday May 29th at 3:30AM in Mesa at Power & Ray Rd.
Join Miss Mesa USA at Black Rifle Coffee Company for a 10 mile Ruck March on Memorial Day - Monday May 29th at 3:30AM in Mesa at Power & Ray Rd.
To contact us, please use the email address above. We'd love for you to send us information on upcoming veteran events in Arizona, veteran-related volunteer opportunities, contact info for good VSO's and helpful veteran organizations in AZ, helpful resources for veteran and/or spousal benefits, as well as any other useful information for veterans. There is no charge to post events or other information on this website. However, not all information submitted to us will be posted., in its sole sole discretion, will decide what information is posted to this website.