Preventing Substance Use Among Veterans - a comprehensive guide from SUPE

SUPE is a nonprofit organization that has been providing substance use prevention education for 20 years.

SUPE understands the unique challenges veterans face and the increased risk they may have for substance use disorders due to various factors, including the stresses associated with military service and transitioning to civilian life.

SUPE has created a comprehensive guide called "Preventing Substance Use Among Veterans" that includes the following:

  • Warning signs of veteran substance abuse.
  • A guide for families in approaching this situation with their loved ones.
  • The guide can be made as a pamphlet for distribution.

This guide aims to help veterans who are struggling with substance abuse, as the issue is becoming increasingly concerning.

For more information, visit

Arizona Warrior Getaway in Williams, AZ

The Arizona Warrior Getaway is in Williams, AZ from July 31st – August 4th.  Eight spots left…

Warrior Getaway serves American servicemen and women who have visible and invisible injuries as a result of military service. Veterans, along with their families, are provided a safe space for respite, spiritual renewal, and healing. Families experience fellowship with others facing similar difficulties, and find new hope in Christ.

Join Joni and Friends for a wide range of accessible family activities, powerful speakers, counseling opportunities, and time in God’s Word. Come to experience spiritual renewal and refreshment alongside other families who understand the unique challenges you face.

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