This years Guest speaker is Colonel Kim Nichole Reed-Campbell (born June 6, 1975)[3] is a retired United States Air Force officer and Command Pilot.[1] She was decorated for piloting her A-10 Thunderbolt II back to base in southern Iraq after taking heavy anti-aircraft artillery (AAA) damage in aerial combat over Baghdad during Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003. After her tour of duty in Iraq ended, Campbell gave lectures throughout the United States about her experience, including one at the National Air and Space Museum. Campbell was promoted to the rank of major in 2006.
NCLS 2020: Colonel Kim Campbell - YouTube
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The mission of the VMLC is to provide a forum for community leaders to advocate initiatives that enhance the quality of Veteran’s health care and services in Arizona, and to raise funds to primarily assist Arizona Veterans in crises at the Phoenix VA Health Care System and the Arizona State Veteran Home that fall outside federal and state funding guidelines. Three main programs: Returning Warrior, Mental Health and Native American Sustainability (NAVSU).
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