Veteran-centered Virtual Statewide PTSD Awareness Summit on June 27, 2023
Veteran-centered virtual Statewide PTSD Awareness Summit, Tuesday June 27, 2023 from 3:00PM to 5:00PM. Please feel free to share.
Veteran-centered virtual Statewide PTSD Awareness Summit, Tuesday June 27, 2023 from 3:00PM to 5:00PM. Please feel free to share.
In remembrance of those Service Men and Women who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedoms and liberty, the Casa Veterans Ministry invites you to attend our Memorial Day Rosary Service on Sunday May 28th from 4:00-5:30pm in the San Damiano Auditorium at the Franciscan Renewal Center, 5802 E. Lincoln Blvd, Scottsdale AZ. We will also remember those Veterans who have died after completing their service. (No registration needed).
You are also encouraged to submit the name of your beloved deceased veteran to be recognized at this special Rosary uniquely composed to honor them. To submit, just click on the following link, find the tab for the Memorial Day Rosary and simply type in the NAME/RANK/BRANCH OF SERVICE for your beloved veteran as instructed.
The Arizona Warrior Getaway is in Williams, AZ from July 31st – August 4th. Eight spots left…
Warrior Getaway serves American servicemen and women who have visible and invisible injuries as a result of military service. Veterans, along with their families, are provided a safe space for respite, spiritual renewal, and healing. Families experience fellowship with others facing similar difficulties, and find new hope in Christ.
Join Joni and Friends for a wide range of accessible family activities, powerful speakers, counseling opportunities, and time in God’s Word. Come to experience spiritual renewal and refreshment alongside other families who understand the unique challenges you face.
Brain Health Leaders, please pass along this invitation to those in your network who could benefit! Thank you for all you do.
The Brain Injury Alliance of Arizona Veterans Services Team is proud to present accredited Mental Health First Aid Training. This one-day, 8-hour certification course will cover how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. You will gain the necessary skills to reach out and provide initial support to individuals who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem and connect them to appropriate care.
Register for this training / learn more. If the training is full, please add your name to the wait list to be notified of cancellations and future trainings. Opportunities for Sponsors/Vendors also!
Reminder!! Rays of Hope, the Brain Injury Alliance’s free conference for survivors of all types of brain injury is coming up next month. Register today!
Video of results:
This Department of Veterans Affairs OIG report found that VBA Did Not Ensure Complex Appeals Were Decided by Appropriate Staff. No wonder so many claims are denied!
Veterans Administration Benefits Counselors
Tom George & Mark Ferber
(602) 535-1215
They can help with just about any sort of disability claim to include re-ratings for a higher percentage (which both are highly successful at accomplishing). They work for the VA, they're not 3rd party VSO's.
Located in East valley, but they do calls virtually for all of the Phoenix area.
Veterans & VSO's be aware!! Here's a recent OIG finding titled, "Veterans Are Still Being Required to Attend Unwarranted Medical Reexaminations for Disability Benefits". In this recent report, it appears the VA has found this to be a problem and alerted the regional offices of the need to correct it.
WASHINGTON — On Jan. 1, 2023, the Department of Veterans Affairs will open enrollment for Veterans Affairs Life Insurance — the first new VA life insurance program for Veterans in more than 50 years — extending VALife access to millions of Veterans.
VALife will provide up to $40,000 of whole life insurance for all Veterans, age 80 or under, with service-connected disabilities rated from 0-100%. Acceptance in the program is guaranteed, and no medical underwriting is required.
It will also allow Veterans to complete their application online, receive instant decisions, and perform self-service functions — including electronic payments and beneficiary updates.
“All Veterans deserve to know that their families will have financial support when they pass away,” said VA Secretary Denis McDonough. “VALife is a critical step toward making that goal a reality, helping VA provide more life insurance to more Veterans than ever before in our nation’s history.”
VALife will increase Veteran access to life insurance in several ways:
VALife premium rates are competitive with, or better than, similar coverage available in the private sector, and $40,000 of coverage is more coverage than other like products offered. The policy will build cash value after the first two years of coverage when the face value goes into effect. If a Veteran passes away during this two-year waiting period, the named beneficiary will receive all premiums paid plus interest. Unlike S-DVI, Veterans will not be able to get a waiver for their premiums.
VA currently serves nearly 6 million Veterans, service members and their families with more than $1.2 trillion of insurance. Veterans currently enrolled in S-DVI will have the option to keep their current coverage or switch to VALife. These Veterans can apply for VALife at any time after Jan. 1, 2023; however, if they apply between Jan. 1, 2023, and Dec. 31, 2025, they can also retain coverage under S-DVI during the two-year waiting period for the VALife death benefit to go into effect.
Veterans will no longer be able to apply for S-DVI after VALife launches Jan. 1, 2023. However, eligible Veterans still have the opportunity to apply for the program between now and Dec. 31, 2022.
To learn more, visit VALife. Information can also be found in the final rule.
To contact us, please use the email address above. We'd love for you to send us information on upcoming veteran events in Arizona, veteran-related volunteer opportunities, contact info for good VSO's and helpful veteran organizations in AZ, helpful resources for veteran and/or spousal benefits, as well as any other useful information for veterans. There is no charge to post events or other information on this website. However, not all information submitted to us will be posted., in its sole sole discretion, will decide what information is posted to this website.