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Casa Veterans Ministry - Memorial Day Rosary in Honor Of Deceased Veterans

In remembrance of those Service Men and Women who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedoms and liberty, the Casa Veterans Ministry invites you to attend our Memorial Day Rosary Service on Sunday May 28th from 4:00-5:30pm in the San Damiano Auditorium at the Franciscan Renewal Center, 5802 E. Lincoln Blvd, Scottsdale AZ.  We will also remember those Veterans who have died after completing their service. (No registration needed).

You are also encouraged to submit the name of your beloved deceased veteran to be recognized at this special Rosary uniquely composed to honor them.  To submit, just click on the following link, find the tab for the Memorial Day Rosary and simply type in the NAME/RANK/BRANCH OF SERVICE for your beloved veteran as instructed.

Casa Veterans Ministry - Memorial Day Rosary in Honor Of Deceased Veterans


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