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2023 Arizona Summit on Volunteerism & Civic Engagement

The Arizona Summit on Volunteerism and Civic Engagement provides the opportunity for individuals, groups, leaders, and representatives of Arizona's volunteer, civic engagement, and service-learning communities to further develop and foster their skills to better serve Arizona communities.

The Summit consists of plenary speakers, workshops*, and networking opportunities designed to inspire, energize and mobilize civic engagement leaders of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities.

The Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family (GOYFF) will be engaging community members and stakeholders through an in-person, one-day event. Join community leaders, educators, young people, businesses/corporations, foundations, and other professionals to identify impactful opportunities to give back to Arizona communities through the power of volunteerism and civic engagement.

*Download the 2023 Workshop Schedule

Wednesday, May 24, 2023
8:00AM - 5:00PM
Phoenix Convention Center South Building
33 S. 3rd St, Phoenix, AZ 85004

Registration and Exhibit Hall will open at 8:00AM and the event will begin at 9:15AM

General - $70
Student/current AmeriCorps Member Discount Rate - $25

Exhibitor - $175
Includes: Two event registrations; One, six-foot table; Logo included on printed event materials


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